
πŸ† Continue fighting

 They may slow your journey, but they will not stop your journey!πŸ₯° So in everything, continue fighting! Don't wait to be lucky in order to achieve!, But achieve and luck will look for you to make you lucky!πŸ†πŸ†πŸ₯° @surgeon @academicgiants @success always

πŸ™ Prophet Muhammad

 Best post ever i saw in my life😎 PROPHET' S   BIOGRAPHY  M U H A M M A D (S. A. W)   ▪Name :  Muhammad (SAW) ▪Father :  Abdullah ▪Mother : Aminah ▪Date of Birth :      12th Rabi Al - Awwal ▪Date of Death :      08 Jun 632 11 after Hijra ▪Age : 63 yrs ▪Place of Birth :  Makkah ▪Place of Death : Madinah ▪Residence :     Makkah then moved to Madina ▪Profession :     Businessman , then a Prophet ▪Age :                       63 years ▪Lived in Makkah : 50 years ▪Nabowat Age :      40 years ▪Lived in Madinah ; 13 years ▪Yrs of Preaching :  23 years ▪Merchant :               26  years     583–609 CE ▪Preacher :                23 years      609–632 CE End of Worldly Life :  08 June 632. (11th after Hijr...


 You dont need luck 🀞 to be successful,   You worked for it and you deserve it!πŸ‘€πŸ’―


 2+7=9 3+6=9 4+5=9 8+1=9 9+0=9 So we may have also used different routs, but we shall all reach successful!πŸ‘€πŸŽ—️ 

πŸ’ŠπŸŽ—️πŸ‘Be strong πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’―

 The same boiling water πŸ’¦ makes the potato πŸ₯” soft and makes an egg πŸ₯š to be hard! So life 🧬 is not about the challenges, success is not all about what you are facing πŸ‘€ Success is about what you are made up of!πŸ’―πŸ’― Be strong! Strength should be your talent.

πŸ’• love πŸ’“πŸ’“

 Love loves those who love love!πŸ₯°πŸ₯° If you make love an option to choose from! Be prepared about the possible outcomes! πŸ’―  Sometimes you have to make a choice between loving love or loving books!  All in all books never disappoint.
